Ham terrine

From Burden's Landing


  • Two cured ham hocks
  • Pepper
  • Parsley, gherkins, other herbs and flavorings
  • Gelatin (optional)


  1. Simmer ham hocks for three hours until tender
  2. Finely shred meat from bone. Mix with herbs.
  3. Reduce remaining stock by half (rolling boil for about an hour).
  4. Add gelatin (optional).
  5. Let stock cool and stiffen.
  6. Place shredded meat in terrine pan lined with plastic wrap. Pour stock until just covered. Cover with plastic wrap and let cool.


April 2017

When I made this, I used two ham hocks that I had smoked. The smoking may have dried out the ham hocks, making it difficult to cut and shred. In either case, I would have shredded the meat more finely.

I also didn't use gelatin — just didn't want to bother. The stock had enough natural gelatin to hold the terrine together, but it definitely could have used some more.

See Also